
Friday, April 22, 2011

The 4th Annual Generations Gallery 2011 WRITERS CONFERENCE

Writers and poets return to Historic Indian Springs on Friday and Saturday, May 20 -21st, 2011 for The Fourth Annual WRITERS CONFERENCE hosted by Generations Gallery in Flovilla, GA. The event is targeted to those who dream of being a writer but need to sharpen their skills and learn from the experiences of published authors and poets.

“An experienced author will tell you that writing the book is only half the journey,” explains conference moderator, author Anne B. Jones. ”Knowing what a publisher expects is critical.”

The casual venue and small group size will allow for intimate interaction with the speakers. Popular writers will share stories about their own careers and provide insight into style. This year, the event features a workshop by The Georgia Poetry Society. Editor, Judy Bozrath will delve into how to polish a manuscript before submitting it to a publisher. William Rawlings, Jr. will discuss the challenge of marketing a book once it is published. The casual venue and small group size allows for intimate interaction with the speakers.

Featured presenters include writers Haywood Smith (The Red Hat Club),

Anne B. Jones (Tides of Fear), William Rawlings (The Mile High Club),

Jaclyn Weldon White (Whisper to the Black Candle), Jaclynn Morris

(From Me to You), editor Judy Bozarth and Georgia Poetry Society Poets

Ron Self (editor of the Brick Road Poetry Press) and J.C. Reilly (La Petite


The schedule includes a Friday afternoon tour of the Indian Spring Hotel Museum; a session on “Empowerment is Having the Tools” by thriller author Anne B. Jones; a workshop by Georgia Poetry Society Poet Ron Self; a Mix and Mingle Reception at the Hayes House circa 1853 with a Friday night Open Mic Event hosted by the Georgia Poetry Society.

Saturday includes a Continental Breakfast and morning sessions presented by Keynote Speaker Haywood Smith, author Jaclynn Morris, and editor Judy Bozarth. A catered lunch will feature readings by Poet JC Reilly and a Featured Presentation by Anne B. Jones. This will be followed by to afternoon sessions by William Rawlings and Jaclyn Weldon White, and a Georgia Poetry Society Workshop by J.C. Reilly. The evening’s campfire meal offers a chance for debriefing and networking.

Fee $150. Most credit cards accepted. For more information contact 800-352-7212 or 770-227-4002 weekdays, 770-775-7916 on weekends.

A detailed conference schedule is presented for review at and


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